Truck convoy arrives in Edmonton for fourth weekend – Edmonton Journal


Major traffic disruptions could include Broadmoor Boulevard in Sherwood Park, Anthony Henday Drive, Yellowhead Trail, Victoria Trail, Whitemud Drive, Gateway Boulevard, Walterdale Hill, Queen Elizabeth Park Road and the downtown core.

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Feb 19, 2022  •  45 minutes ago  •  3 minute read  •  22 Comments Trucker convoy supporters protest COVID-19 health measures at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton on Saturday Feb. 12, 2022. Photo by David Bloom /Postmedia

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Vehicle convoys heading for downtown Edmonton started to make their way slowly around Anthony Henday Drive beginning at 10:30 a.m., Saturday morning.


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Edmontonians can expect traffic delays and honking rippling throughout the city as the convoy makes its way through the city for the fourth weekend in a row.

Cheryl Voordenhout, Edmonton Police Service (EPS) spokeswoman, said police are aware of a convoy planning to enter the city on Saturday.

“Public safety continues to be our top priority,” she said. “EPS’ objectives include restoring traffic flow to ensure mobility for emergency vehicles and residents, as well as mitigating any disorderly conduct.”

Voordenhout said mitigation may include verbal warnings, tickets, arrests and gathering of evidence for a follow-up investigation.

Last Friday, an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench justice granted the City of Edmonton a temporary injunction prohibiting protestors from the frequent or sustained sounding of vehicle horns and other similar noisemaking devices within city limits.


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The EPS said its traffic enforcement section issued 10 tickets to drivers involved in the convoy demonstration and roughly 60 additional tickets would be mailed to registered owners of vehicles identified as participating and committing an offence last weekend.

“Police are advising convoy organizers to refrain from honking horns or otherwise making excessive noise that disrupts residences and businesses, and will continue to enforce traffic violations, including noise violations,” said Voordenhout.

The EPS is advising drivers that the convoys are anticipated to affect Edmonton traffic anywhere between the hours of at least 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Major traffic disruptions could include Broadmoor Boulevard in Sherwood Park, Anthony Henday Drive, Yellowhead Trail, Victoria Trail, Whitemud Drive, Gateway Boulevard, Walterdale Hill, Queen Elizabeth Park Road and the downtown core.


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2:40 p.m.

Edmonton police are reporting that convoy noise levels are down this weekend but they are continuing to issue tickets for noise when it is safe to do so. EPS assures the public that “enforcement is taking place.”


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2:26 p.m.

Postmedia reporter Hamdi Issawi is on the corner of 109 st. and Jasper Ave., he says there is a convoy of smaller trucks making its way north with a crowd cheering on the sidelines.

The crowd is smaller compared to the protests on recent weekends.


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1:19 p.m.

Reports of honking and traffic delays all around the city.


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Police are pulling over vehicles for honking according to reports on Twitter.


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Protestors are making their way on foot through streets in downtown Edmonton.


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12:41 p.m.

The city of Edmonton says it will coordinate with the Edmonton Police Service, Edmonton Fire Rescue Services, ETS, Peace Officers and sheriffs to  respond to the expect convoys and protesters, in a Saturday afternoon Tweet.


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In a response to the city’s tweet, Edmonton Police say they will be going “well beyond” just sending in officers to direct traffic or engage with protestors. They will have a command team, police liaison working with protest organizers, crowd management teams, traffic teams, flight ops and investigative teams all part of a “robust” response to the protest.


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12:06 p.m.

Twitter has reports of a group of 120 vehicles moving north toward the city on Highway 2 just outside Leduc.

Two more convoys are moving around Anthony Henday Drive, according to Google Earth.

10:47 a.m.

Edmonton residents report a visible police presence in the downtown core


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10:31 a.m.

A Twitter post this morning shows plans for the convoys to gather and leave from three locations around the city and drive around the Anthony Henday slowly and converging downtown at the Alberta Legislature later this afternoon.


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